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ARIS Lessons - 7 Content Categories

indian girl with ipad

 Gear - Approaches to Learning_Just GearApproaches to Learning

 Gear - Language_Just GearLanguage

 Gear - SocialEmotional_Just GearSocial Emotional

 Gear - Funtional Routines_Just GearFunctional Routines


Gear - Motor Skills_Just GearMotor Skills

 Gear - Reading Readiness_Just GearReading & Writing Readiness

 Gear - Math Readiness_Just GearMath Readiness

202 Lessons

Individual lessons are broken down into discrete steps that create a ladder to academic readiness.


Scroll down for a list of all ARIS lessons... with 20 FREE Lessons to use right away!


foundation of lessons 2

ARIS Full Lesson List


ARIS educational framework is designed to prepare students... particularly those with special needs or learning differences like autism... for academic success.

Below you will find a full list of the ARIS Lessons.


The lessons in bold are yours to download, print and use right away, with our compliments!

Stage 1


Approaches to Learning Content Category - Stage 1

The Approaches to Learning content category contains the foundational lessons that prepare students for success in the Language Builder: ARIS program and beyond. In fact, the skills learned in this category can be seen as learning to learn.


  Approaches to Learning  
  Attention & Imitation  
1 Pairing & Accepting Reinforcers  
2 Giving Up Reinforcers  
3 Responding to Name  
4 Come Here  
5 Ready to Learn  
6 Eye Contact  
7 Waiting  
8 Non-Verbal Imitation  
9 Verbal Imitation  
  Following Directions  
10 Following Single Verb Commands  
11 Following Compound Verb Commands  
12 3D to 3D Matching   
13 3D to 2D Matching  
14 Identical Matching - Common Objects Photos  
15 Identical Matching - Colors  
16 Similar Matching - Common Objects  


Language Content Category - Stage 1

Typically developing children pick up language from their environment so naturally that it is easy to forget there are discrete developmental processes at work.

The lessons in ARIS STAGE 1 Language Content Category systematically break down the discrete developmental processes of language acquisition into 30 lessons, ensuring that no steps in the developmental process are missed!

Motor Skills - Stage 1

The ARIS Motor Skills content category contains lessons that will support the development of the fine and gross motor skills most typically developing children acquire prior to entering kindergarten.

Motor skills enable children to participate in social and play-related activities, such as coloring, crafts, and puzzles; sports and recreation; self-help activities like feeding, grooming, and dressing themselves; actions of independent living like opening containers, drawers, and doors; and academic skills, such as writing.

The Motor Skills content category covers Fine Motor and Gross Motor skills in 2 separate subcategories.


Social Emotional Content Category - Stage 1

Autistic children and adults often find it hard to recognize emotional responses in others and to manage their own emotions. It is, however, an unfortunate and incorrect perception that people with autism do not feel emotions, or care what others think. 

Distinguishing between social motivation and social skills is an important component of helping students with autism develop healthy and happy relationships. While it is accurate that many people with autism struggle with social interaction skills and communication, in particular non-verbal decoding, this doesn’t mean that they don’t want to have friends and socialize. In order to bridge this divide, ARIS lessons systematically address social skills and emotional development to help students avoid isolation due to marginalization and rejection.


   Social Emotional  
   Independent Work/Play  
63 Block Imitation - Basic Structures  
64 Block Imitation - Pretend Play   
  Emotional Health & Wellbeing  
65 Matching - 5 Basic Emotions   
66 Receptive Labeling - 5 Basic Emotions   
67 Expressive Labeling - 5 Basic Emotions   
68 Social Narratives  
  Group Play & Socialization  
69 Joint Attention  
70 Sharing  
71 Taking Turns  
72 Participation in Group Songs with Actions  
73 Playing Games with an Adult  
74 Playing Games with a Peer  
75 Recess  


Functional Routines - Stage 1

Functional routines are the routine activities that are necessary for daily living and for establishing quality of life. If a student does not master the ability to complete these routines without assistance, they will need to rely on others to carry out the basic activities of independent living. When learned, these skills can be immediately applied to daily routines, having a substantial positive impact on the students and on their families.


  Functional Routines
   Self-Care & Healthy Habits
76 Restroom Use
77 Snack Time
78 Washing Hands
   Classroom Routines
79 Following a Schedule
80 Arrival
81 Departure
82 Circle Time
83 Transitions - Activities
84 Transitions - Locations
85 Center Time
86 Classroom Tasks
87 Token Board
88 Increasing Distance of Instructor


Math Readiness - Stage 1

Research shows that, even as infants, children are intuitively sensitive to mathematical concepts, such as quantity, well before they have any capacity to understand the concept of numbers. Toddlers even develop a rudimentary understanding of counting, adding, and subtracting through daily activities and play.

Parents and educators naturally build upon these early intuitions by noticing and naming numbers as they come up in the student’s environment. Concepts of math, number recognition, and counting have certainly been a part of your daily classroom routines, and have worked their way into circle time, recess, story time, and other lessons.

Motor Skills - Stage 2



  Motor Skills
  Fine Motor
116 Drawing Simple Pictures
117 Working with Clay


Social Emotional Content Category - Stage 2


Functional Routines - Stage 2



  Functional Routines
   Self-Care & Healthy Habits
127 What Object Would You Use?
128 Self-Help Sequencing
129 A Healthy Plate
   Classroom Routines
130 Group Work
   Community Life
132 Community Locations
133 Safety Signs


How are ARIS Lessons Organized?

Lesson Page 1

lesson folder front

Lesson Page 2

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Lesson Page 3